Act Pro vs Act Premium

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Act Pro vs Act Premium

Swiftpage Act! CRM offers two products. Act Pro and Act Premium and we often get asked what is the difference between the two so we decided to write up this article explaining the main differences between the two.

Act Pro vs Act Premium


  1. Users – The number of active users required is a factor. Act Pro will only support up to 10 users. If you need more then you will have to go on to premium. If you are on Act Pro 10 user licence and you need the 11th you would have to pay for the Premium upgrade licence for existing users as long as you are within Acts upgrade policy. If not you may have to purchase from new or swiftpage sometimes run some special promotions for existing Act users.
    Our advice is if ordering Act from new and you believe you will go above the 10 user limit in the near future then purchase Act Premium to start with as this will keep costs down in the long run.
  2. Web Access – Premium comes with Act premium for web meaning as long as you meet the system specifications you can set up Act to be accessible from the web. This includes Phones and tablets as well as laptops. As long as you have Internet connection you can access your database.  Pro does not come with this option.
  3. Remote Access – If you require users to be able to work remotely and sync with the main database unattended you would need Act Premium as you can sync via the internet. This means a user at a different location would have Act Premium installed and a remote copy of the main database installed and they can then sync between the two databases.
  4. Field/Record security – Premium comes with the options to deploy security to fields and contacts. Meaning you can restrict certain users from being able to see data against a contacts card. A good example is if your stored bank details or other private data and you do not want certain users to be able to see this. Record security is a step further where you can restrict users from being able to see the whole contacts details. Example is sales teams where you only want these user to be able to see their contacts and not another teams.
  5. Dashboard – Whilst the dashboard view is available in both products the Pro version will only allow you to view the current users information. If you wanted to see other users Opportunities or activity info you would need the premium version and this will allow you to apply filters.

You can view and purchase the latest versions of Act Software on our website or over the phone. If you have any questions please get in touch and we would be happy to help.